Where can I purchase your product?

Every Tridente product are available on our Alibaba site.

Can you ask for free samples at Tridente Tools?

No, but sample fee can be refunded when there is an official order.

Can I ask for samples?

Yes, there will be sample charge and transportation fees.

How long can I expect to get the samples?

Immediately, if it is available in stock, but if we need to remake, it will take longer time depending on different products.

What is the lead time for an order?

Depending on different products and requirements.

Is product customization available on request?

We have an experienced design team, and we are good at communicating with manufacturers for OEM/ODM details. New ideas are welcomed, we are always trying our best to achieve customers’ requirements.

How can I find out about products that are not on the website?

We only have a selection of products on our website, if you cannot find the product you are looking for, please contact us at tridentetools@gmail.com or leave us a message on the contact page.